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The Gateway Arch and the rest of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial were established in the 1950s to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Voyage of Discovery, which intensified the western expansion of the nation.
What a beautiful sight! And this is just from the parking lot. As you walk closer, you pass reflection pools, which should yield a pretty picture, right? And they would, too, if it weren't for that pond scum. No, actually, I think that is pollen. The reflections are still nice, but they'd be nicer still without the interference.
A straight-on shot and a closer shot: the people standing there in both photos give you a better idea of the size of this thing. It is big: 630' tall, 630' leg-to-leg.
From the top you have views to the east across the mighty Mississipp, and to the west, the skyline of St. Louis, Missouri.
The National Park Service has some interesting articles about the Arch here. Click on "In Depth."
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