More of Don's photo series.

Some of the waterfalls along the Trail of Ten Falls, in the springtime.
Below are some of the falls in the winter.
South Falls is the main falls, I guess; it's the first one you come to on the trail from the lodge area.
We were especially impressed by the sun shining through the spray from the falls. Got in a few quick shots before it went away (which it didn't while we were there). (But it could have.)
Then you start down toward the falls. We decided to just stay in the South Falls area; we didn't want to walk the seven-mile trail to all the falls.
More text when the spirit moves me.
Future President Herbert Hoover surveyed the area of what is now Silver Falls State Park in the mid 1890s. He had lived in Newburg and Salem, Oregon, in his teens, and then went to Stanford. His uncle, Dr. Minthorn, and he plotted the site as a future town, Silver Falls, which did not turn out to be a successful venture.
A couple weeks later we went to Silver falls again; this time there was some snow on the ground, and the trails were icy so we didn't want to walk them.
All photos in this Web site © D.L. Mark 1997-2006. All rights reserved.
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