Mark My Word!
[The first half of this column is unreadable due to poor microfiching. I'll order the microfiche from another source and see if it is better. But here's the second half. DM]
. . . Auburn High knows how the Democrats and Republicans feel at their conventions whenever there is a presidential election to be held. Here at school we've been going through the throes of student body elections. T. Gaines, Dick Carter, Bill Knapp and Bruce Palmer are vigorously campaigning. The other candidates are resting on their laurels. Barbara Clark and Priscilla Hughes are contenders for other offices. There's one sign on one bulletin board that reads like this: "Hit the Mark With Clark." Very fine idea. I like that slogan. But children, think what could happen if someone hid the "The!"
Did you hear Kay Kyser's super-rendition of "Way Down in Texas' Ticker" a few weeks back? Or have you listened to Fred Allen's topnotch Texashow lately? It's much improved over earlier editions. Lieske's new hairdo is deglamourizing. But good, but good. Again I offer my deepest regrets to Juan Pitt for so carelessly sitting on the lovely flowers she had artistically arranged on the office desk. I was unintentionally pressing them for my scrapbook. Does anyone read this column? Anyone at all? If so, please inform yours truly.
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