More of Don's photo series. | Cascade Cliffs Winery
Nestled between the Cascade Cliffs and the Columbia River is the Cascade Cliffs Winery. The cliffs absorb heat during the day and reflect it at night, providing warmth to the growing grapes. In addition, the Columbia River reflects sunlight onto the vineyard all day. And not only that, but the Missoula Floods washed soil from the cliffs thousands of years ago, making ideal soil for viticulture. —Photo by Patricia Shriver Owner Robert Lorkowski took my friend and I on a private tour of the vineyard and winery. He explained the intricacies and vicissitudes of growing grapes and the conditions which prevail in the Gorge. Aesthetically the site is ideal also, with Mt. Hood, tallest mountain in Oregon, forming a backdrop for the river and vineyard. When the grapes just start to turn color, that's the beginning of the ripening season. Before this, the fruit surrounding the seed is bitter, and nothing wants to eat it. As the fruit sweetens, everything wants to eat it, spreading the seed far and wide for future growth. Also leaving it vulnerable to other life forms. Inside the winery we see the vats and barrels and other accoutrements of wine making. —Photo by Patricia Shriver And here we have the finished product, a bottle of one of the fine wines produced in this charming place.