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Nebraska State Capitol

I like the skyscraper architecture, as opposed to the look of most the other capitols; Nebraska had the first skyscraper captitol. Nebraska has a unicameral legislature, which strikes me as being a good idea. The tower of the building was supposed to represent the one-ness of the legislature.
This building has many unusual features, such as the tile walls and this chandelier. Below, the door to the legislative chamber has a Greek look to it, but upon closer examination you see that it is American Indian. Inside, the legislative chamber is cavernous.
I was walking down this hallway, thinking how dark it was. The lights were on, but they were not very bright. The floors were a dark color, also. I came to a stairway, and almost fell because I didn't see the step. I felt for the handrail, which was recessed into the wall and not easy to grip. I was thinking, someone is going to fall here if they're not careful. Then I heard "Auuggghhhh!!" I looked back, and a woman was falling down the stairs, head first, on her stomach! She slid down the whole flight of stairs. Fortunately, she was with a group of people and they took care of her.