More of Don's photo series.
Presidents' Places: Gerald R. Ford

Leslie King and his mother; later he became Gerald Ford, President of the United States. Unelected, of course. But he did a fair job as president nonetheless.
This site is Gerald Ford's birthplace, Omaha, Nebraska; the house he was born in is gone, but an institution which preserves artifacts of his presidency is located here, as are a pretty good display, and a memorial garden.
The white panels have the names and dates of all the presidents -- well, almost all. One and one-half years after George W. occupied the White House, his name is still not on the panel. [The first unelected president ignores the second unelected president! There's one for you.] Maybe they know something the rest of us don't.
I don't usually play with dolls, but I enjoyed this display of dolls of all the presidents from Washington to Franklin Roosevelt, scaled to height and somewhat to breadth, dressed appropriately, and correctly shorn.