More of Don's photo series.
Presidents' Places: William Jefferson Clinton

This is the street in Chappaqua, New York, off which the Clinton residence is located. I wanted to photograph the house itself, but couldn't figure out which house it was. And I think there were Secret Service vehicles parked on the cul-de-sac, and I didn't want to tangle with them. So I left almost empty-handed.
This is the only photo I have at the present time of places associated with President William Jefferson Clinton. However, in the fall of 2004 I hope to go to Arkansas and visit several Clinton places, on my way to a Mark family reunion in Texas.
My feeling about the Clinton presidency is that it was opportunity lost. Who could have guessed that almost the whole Republican party would take a hard-nosed turn to the right, and most of the media structure would inexplicably turn against the most highly qualified man in many years to attain the office.
With any luck, we'll have another chance to elect a Clinton in 2008, or at least 2012.