More of Don's photo series.
Presidents' Places: Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison John Tyler James K. Polk Zachary Tayler Millard Fillmore
I have not yet visited places associated with these presidents, but hope to in the next few years.
However, there is something I would like to say about them:
Andrew Jackson served eight years as president. This was in keeping with the tradition of George Washington, who served eight years, then declined serving another term. All the the presidents through Andrew Jackson followed this tradition except the two Adamses, who were not elected to a second term, and therefore served only four years each.
Martin Van Buren served his full four years.
However, beginning with William Henry Harrison and continuing for three terms, six men served as president in only twelve years. Nothing like this has ever happened since.
William Henry Harrison served only one month, then he died.
John Tyler served three years eleven months, finishing out Harrison's term.
James K. Polk served a full four years.
Zachary Taylor served one year four months, then he died.
Millard Fillmore served two years eight months.
Beginning with Franklin Pierce in 1853 and continuing until 1913, only two presidents served eight years: Ulysses S. Grant and Grover Cleveland (and Cleveland's two terms were separated, not continuous). (Theodore Roosevelt came close: seven years six and one-half months).
Beginning with Woodrow Wilson in 1913, only five presidents have served eight full years; nine have served less than eight years. And of course, Franklin D. Roosevelt served a little over twelve years, and Harry S Truman served just under eight years.